Apex Legends Season 18 — Wrap Up

1 min readNov 5, 2023


I had a fun time playing this season. Although I wish I could have played a bit more ranked. The LP loss was just way to much for a solo player like me. However, this season was definitely all about making friends and just grinding battle pass levels and enjoying the events Respawn through at us.

I will say one thing that was missing was the zombie mode. If Respawn would have added that with hunting for Nessies the event would have topped the charts. Maybe next year Respawn?

I’m looking forward to this next season and the added features Respawn has given us in 19. You’ll definitely not find me out in the open this season. Expect the master rat back in action!!

As always catch me on https://twitch.tv/thejackofspade

Here’s my season 18 wrap up!!

Apex Legends Season 18 Clips — YouTube

