2 min readOct 9, 2023

Caustic: The Toxic Tactician — Why He’s the Best Character in Apex Legend Season 18


Tactical Mastery
One of the key factors that make Caustic an exceptional Legend is his tactical prowess. His ability to deploy Nox Gas Traps provides unparalleled control over the battlefield. These traps can be strategically placed to block entrances, deter enemy advances, and create choke points that force opponents into tight spots. In the hands of a skilled player, Caustic can turn even the most open areas into deadly kill zones.

Area Denial
Caustic’s Nox Gas is not just a nuisance; it’s a lethal weapon. Unlike other Legends, Caustic can effectively deny entire sections of the map by releasing toxic gas clouds. These clouds not only deal damage over time but also obscure vision, making it extremely difficult for enemies to engage or escape. This area denial aspect of his kit can be used both defensively and offensively, making Caustic incredibly versatile in various situations.

Excellent Team Support
Apex Legends is a team-based game, and Caustic excels at providing support to his squad. His Nox Gas Traps can shield downed teammates, giving them a chance to be revived safely. Additionally, his Ultimate Ability, Nox Gas Grenade, is a game-changer in intense firefights. It can quickly turn the tide by forcing enemies out of cover or into a vulnerable position, providing an advantage to your team.

Counter to Popular Legends
Caustic shines as a counter to many popular Legends in Apex Legends. His gas can disrupt the mobility of fast-moving Legends like Wraith, Octane, and Pathfinder. It also hinders the vision and positioning of snipers like Bloodhound and Crypto. By strategically utilizing his abilities, Caustic can create a challenging environment for these opponents, making it difficult for them to execute their usual strategies.

Strong Late-Game Presence
As the match progresses, Caustic becomes even more potent. His gas becomes increasingly deadly in the final circles, where the play area is small, and positioning is crucial. A well-placed gas trap can force enemy squads to reposition hastily, giving your team a significant advantage in the closing moments of the game.


In the ever-evolving world of Apex Legends, Caustic stands out as the best character for a multitude of reasons. His tactical prowess, area denial capabilities, team support, effectiveness against popular Legends, and late-game dominance all contribute to his status as a top-tier pick. While every Legend has its strengths, Caustic’s unique playstyle and unmatched ability to control the battlefield make him the undisputed best character in Apex Legends for those who appreciate a calculated and strategic approach to victory.