How to Get Points in Apex Legends

3 min readJan 29, 2024


As one of the most dynamic battle royale games on the market, Apex Legends offers players a thrilling mix of fast-paced action, strategic teamwork, and intense gunplay. Whether you’re a seasoned veteran or a newcomer to the game, understanding how to accumulate points is essential for success. In this guide, we’ll delve into the strategies and techniques you need to master to rack up points and climb the ranks in Apex Legends.

When standard strategies fail in Apex Legends, players often turn to unconventional methods like the “rat strategy.” This playstyle prioritizes stealth, evasion, and opportunistic gameplay over direct confrontations. Rat players focus on survival and placement, avoiding fights and utilizing sneaky tactics to outlast opponents. While it may not yield as many eliminations, this approach consistently earns points by placing high in matches, making it a viable alternative for maximizing point potential in Apex Legends.

Before diving into specific strategies, it’s crucial to grasp the various ways you can earn points in Apex Legends. Points are primarily awarded for actions that contribute to your team’s success, such as eliminations, assists, revives, respawns, and placement in matches. Each action carries a different point value, and maximizing your point potential requires a combination of skill, teamwork, and game knowledge.

Land Strategically. Choose your landing spot wisely to maximize your chances of early-game success. Landing in high-traffic areas can lead to quick eliminations and loot, but it also increases the risk of early elimination. Opting for quieter areas allows for safer looting and positioning but may result in fewer early-game kills.

Prioritize Survival. While securing eliminations is essential, surviving until the late game is equally important. Focus on staying alive by maintaining good positioning, utilizing cover, and communicating effectively with your team. Avoid unnecessary confrontations that could jeopardize your chances of reaching the final circles.

Engage Smartly. When engaging enemies, prioritize targets based on their threat level and positioning. Focus fire on isolated opponents or those caught off guard to secure quick eliminations. Coordinate with your team to flank enemies, utilize abilities effectively, and capitalize on their mistakes.

Support Your Team. In Apex Legends, teamwork is paramount. Support your teammates by providing covering fire, sharing loot and resources, and assisting with revives and respawns. Even if you’re not securing eliminations yourself, contributing to your team’s success will earn you valuable assist points.

Utilize Legends’ Abilities. Each legend in Apex Legends comes with unique abilities that can turn the tide of battle. Whether it’s providing defensive cover, scouting enemy positions, or disrupting enemy movements, leverage your legend’s abilities to gain a strategic advantage and earn additional points.

Stay Aware of the Ring. Pay close attention to the ring’s movement and plan your rotations accordingly. Being caught outside the ring not only damages you but also wastes precious time that could be spent looting or engaging enemies. Position yourself strategically to minimize your exposure to the ring while maximizing your chances of encountering enemy teams.

Play for Placement. As the match progresses, prioritize placement over aggressive plays. Securing a top placement in each match earns significant points, so focus on positioning yourself and your team for success in the final circles. Adapt your playstyle based on the current situation, whether it’s playing defensively or aggressively pushing for kills.

Review and Learn. After each match, take the time to review your performance and identify areas for improvement. Analyze your decision-making, positioning, and engagements to pinpoint any mistakes and refine your skills. Learning from each match will help you continually improve and maximize your point potential in future games.

In Apex Legends, mastering the art of earning points requires a combination of skill, teamwork, and strategic thinking. By understanding the point system, prioritizing survival, supporting your team, and leveraging legends’ abilities, you can maximize your point potential and climb the ranks in this dynamic battle royale game. With practice, perseverance, and a willingness to learn from each match, you’ll soon find yourself consistently earning high point totals and achieving success in Apex Legends.

Apex Legends Gameplay

