Retro Gaming Rewind: Mega Man’s 1987 NES Odyssey

2 min readApr 1, 2024


“Mega Man,” released in 1987 for the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES), is a timeless classic that has captivated gamers for decades. Developed by Capcom, this game introduced players to the iconic blue robotic hero known as Mega Man (or Rockman in Japan). Set in a futuristic world where robots coexist with humans, Mega Man must thwart the nefarious plans of the evil Dr. Wily, who seeks to dominate the world with his army of robot masters.

One of the defining features of “Mega Man” is its non-linear gameplay. Unlike traditional platformers of the time, “Mega Man” allows players to choose the order in which they tackle the game’s levels. Each level is themed after a different robot master, and defeating a robot master grants Mega Man their special weapon, which can be used to exploit the weaknesses of other bosses. This strategic element adds depth to the gameplay and encourages players to experiment with different strategies.

“Mega Man” is also known for its challenging difficulty. The levels are meticulously designed, with precise platforming challenges and cunning enemy placements. Each robot master has unique attack patterns and behaviors, requiring players to learn their strategies and adapt to overcome them. While the game can be tough, the sense of accomplishment upon defeating a difficult boss is incredibly rewarding.

Visually, “Mega Man” is a treat for the eyes. The game features vibrant graphics and detailed character sprites that bring the world of Mega Man to life. The music is also a standout feature, with catchy tunes that complement the action on screen and add to the overall atmosphere of the game.

In conclusion, “Mega Man” is a true masterpiece of gaming history. Its innovative gameplay, challenging levels, and charming presentation have cemented its status as a classic. Whether you’re a fan of retro games or just looking for a fun and challenging experience, “Mega Man” is a must-play title that has stood the test of time.

