Will Diablo 4 Go To Hell?

4 min readJun 9, 2024


The Diablo video game franchise, developed by Blizzard Entertainment, is renowned for its dark fantasy themes and compelling action RPG gameplay. Central to its structure is the division of the game into distinct Acts, each representing a significant portion of the story and gameplay progression. Typically, the first three Acts immerse players in various locales of the game world, where they battle hordes of demons, uncover intricate plotlines, and complete quests that build up to the grand finale. This finale often culminates in a dramatic shift to either Heaven or Hell, where the ultimate showdown with the game’s principal antagonist takes place. This consistent narrative framework across the series not only enhances the epic scale of the story but also provides a familiar yet thrilling structure for players to anticipate and navigate.

In Diablo IV, the structure of the Acts deviates from the traditional formula seen in previous installments of the franchise. All the Acts are set entirely within the game world, with no visual representation of Heaven or Hell. This change marks a significant departure from the series’ hallmark climactic finales in the celestial or infernal realms. Additionally, the Acts in Diablo IV feel more sidelined compared to earlier games, as they do not pull the player into the narrative as forcefully. The focus shifts towards an open-world experience where the main storyline is interwoven with a myriad of side quests and activities, allowing for a more exploratory and less linear progression. This approach provides players with greater freedom but also alters the intensity and immediacy traditionally associated with Diablo’s core storyline.

The latest expansion of Diablo IV continues to deepen the dark and immersive journey for players, guiding them towards a pivotal mission: freeing Mephisto from the Soulstone. As the narrative unfolds, players are thrust into a perilous quest filled with new challenges and formidable enemies, driving them to unravel ancient secrets and confront sinister forces that guard the Soulstone. This expansion enriches the game world with additional lore and content, expanding the overarching storyline while maintaining the series’ signature dark fantasy atmosphere. The quest to liberate Mephisto not only adds a compelling objective but also sets the stage for future developments in the eternal struggle between the forces of good and evil in the Diablo universe.

In theory, Blizzard could craft a trilogy of expansions for Diablo IV, each focusing on distinct yet interconnected story arcs and gameplay enhancements that build upon the base game. Here’s how they might structure these expansions:

Expansion 1: Vessel of Hatres
This expansion could focus on the player’s journey to free Mephisto from the Soulstone. It would introduce new regions to explore, populated with unique enemies and dungeons. The storyline would delve into the lore of the Soulstone and the consequences of releasing one of the Prime Evils. Gameplay enhancements might include new character classes, additional skill trees, and expanded endgame content to provide players with fresh challenges and rewards.

Expansion 2: Wrath of the Abyss
Following the events of the first expansion, the second could shift the focus to the celestial realms. With Mephisto freed, Heaven itself could come under threat, prompting players to venture into angelic territories to defend the forces of good. This expansion would introduce new heavenly environments and a host of angelic and demonic adversaries. The storyline would explore the politics and conflicts within the angelic hierarchy, while new gameplay features might include cooperative raid-like events and enhanced multiplayer modes.

Expansion 3: Shattered Sanctum
The final expansion in the trilogy could bring the battle back to Hell, culminating in an epic showdown with the combined forces of the Prime Evils. Players would explore the deepest and darkest regions of the infernal realms, uncovering secrets and confronting the ultimate evil. This expansion would wrap up the narrative threads from the previous expansions, providing a satisfying conclusion to the trilogy. It might also introduce new mechanics such as player-driven world events, advanced crafting systems, and personalized strongholds to deepen player engagement.

By structuring the expansions this way, Blizzard could maintain a cohesive and evolving storyline while continually refreshing gameplay with new content and features, ensuring sustained interest and excitement among the player base.

Blizzard’s current trajectory with the Diablo series presents a critical fork in the road. On one path, they could choose to conclude Diablo IV with a single, comprehensive expansion like “Vessel of Hatred,” providing a decisive and satisfying end to the current narrative arc. This approach offers a complete experience but may leave potential storylines unexplored. Alternatively, Blizzard could opt for a series of expansions, gradually building the story and deepening player engagement over time. This path would allow for richer world-building, more character development, and a prolonged, immersive journey that keeps players invested and ultimately leads them to the climactic scenarios they eagerly anticipate. Choosing the latter would not only extend the life of the game but also ensure a more intricate and rewarding narrative payoff, satisfying long-term fans and attracting new players with each expansion.

